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Literature management with citavi

How to do it

If you want to complete this online course, please read the following information thoroughly to avoid comprehension difficulties in the course!

Course content

The course provides a detailed introduction to the Citavi literature and knowledge management system and is divided into the following chapters:

  1. Course information
  2. Citavi Introduction
  3. Setting Up Your Project
  4. Adding References
  5. Finding and Adding Sources
  6. Reading and Analyzing
  7. Task Planning
  8. Writing with Citavi and Word
  9. Conclusion
  10. Certificate and Support

Additional help resources are then presented, which include specific advanced topics.

Course structure

Each chapter contains three subpages. These are (with the exception of this introductory chapter):

  • Acquiring Knowledge: The chapter starts with a mediation section, which contains a video tutorial and additional information. You will need the video and additional information to complete the subsequent pages.
  • Apply knowledge: These pages contain exercises, which are also available for download along with the solutions (see below).
  • Checking knowledge: A final small test gives you the opportunity to check your newly acquired knowledge.

Time required

The complete processing requires, depending on the way of working, about 1,5 hours (videos just under 30 min + info + tasks + tests). Our recommendation: Reserve a block of time to learn Citavi completely in one go. Of course, you can also learn in smaller chunks, but experience has shown that this is easier.

Problems with the course?

An online course like this inevitably entails that one or the other may not work or not work the same. Not all operating systems, browsers and other factors are identical and could be tested. Also, a link may not work after a certain time because something has changed that is beyond our control. Before you get annoyed and try around for a long time just contact us. Contact person for the online course is Frank Waldschmidt-Dietz, you can find his contact details here. We also offer Citavi support via our online support form and there are also a number of help resources on the Citavi website: A search portal with FAQ, manual and forum as well as the possibility of support requests for logged-in users are available. Experience has shown that the vast majority of problems can be solved very quickly in this way.

Final test with certificate/confirmation

If you wish, you can take a final test at the end of the course. If you pass this, a certificate with your name and exam result can be downloaded as a PDF. To do this, however, you must be logged into ILIAS so that your name can also be imprinted. Unfortunately, however, registration is reserved for JLU members, i.e. students, lecturers and staff. For legal reasons, it is unfortunately not possible to open the test to other universities.
By the way, the test questions are already run through in the course of the online course in the "Check knowledge" sections, so that you are best prepared for the final test at the end.

Exercise sheet [only available in german language]

The exercise sheet contains all the tasks that are also set here in the course on the pages "Apply knowledge". It also contains the complete solution suggestions/routes.
Please download the exercise sheet now - if you like, print it out.

Course license

The online course is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This means that you may reuse, copy and even modify it. For this, please name the author (Frank Waldschmidt-Dietz) with the institution (Gießen University Library) and provide your variant under the same conditions.

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