Wartung Am 5. März ist ILIAS von 9:00 bis 18:00 Uhr wegen eines Updates nicht erreichbar.


How to switch the language

Welcome to the WBT "Recht im E-Learning"

This WBT is also available in English. To change the language of the WBT, please follow the instructions below. If not, just continue in german.
  • use the drop-down menu at the top right of the page
  • select the tab "Einstellungen". This will take you to your settings page in ILIAS
  • click on the dropdown menu in the field "Sprache" and select "English"
  • save ("Speichern" button on the upper right) the settings
Now you have access to the English version of the Web based Training. Please note that the complete ILIAS is now displayed in English. To change the language again, simply repeat the procedure and select the language you want.

And now have fun with the Web based Training!

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