Integrating a BBB room in an old ILIAS course
If your course was created before the implementation of the latest Plug-In, the option to add a Virtual Meeting in your course may not be available yet.
Tip: The easiest way to recognise an ILIAS course that was created before the integration of the object "Virtual meeting room" is that this course does not offer the possibility to create such an object in ILIAS via the button "Add new object".
To avoid complications in older ILIAS courses, you need to change the rights settings in ILIAS:
- Select the “Permissions” tab in your course and click “Course Administrator”. Select all options available under the heading “Virtual meeting room” and click “Save”.
- Afterwards, click the “Permissions” tab again and grant the course administrator the rights to create a virtual meeting room by clicking on “Virtual meeting room” under the “Create new Objects” heading.
- Click the "Permissions" tab again and click the "Member" button. Grant the course members the permissions to "view" and "read" the item "Virtual meeting room".
If problems with accessing the ILIAS-Item persist, click the item in your course and choose "edit". Click the permissions tab and check if the necessary settings to access the option have been chosen.
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