

FlexNow is the centralized examination management system of JLU. This service is used to manage your examinations as well as your course participation. If you want to register for courses or modules, you can do so on the FlexNow website. After each registration or cancelation a confirmation record is sent to your University email address. Additionally you can also check your examination results online after their publication. You may also create an online certificate list (Leistungsübersicht) for many study programs. Certificate lists for all other programs can be requested of the examination office responsible for your course of studies.
In case of any further questions on the examination management system FlexNow, please contact the division "Studium, Lehre, Weiterbildung, Qualitätssicherung (StL)". Additional information can be found on the FlexNow website including contact details and instructions. For questions on examinations please contact the respective examination office (see the webpages linked below).
Check List – First steps in FlexNow
  1. Login to FlexNow at with your user name and your password.
  2. Check your course of studies in "Studierendendaten" as well as your personal data (name, date of birth, matriculation number, postal address).
You can check your registerd and attended examinations at any time by accessing your student records.
After you have registered for a seminar or a module via FlexNow, you are not automatically registered for the corresponding course in Stud.IP. Please register additionally for individual courses in this system.

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