
Weekly Schedules: Introduction

Another important point of time management for self-organised learning at home is the planning of learning time: WHEN do you want to learn WHAT?
In the regular operation of the university, your timetable with the usual lecture and seminar times for classroom teaching gives your university week a structure.

If the courses are offered to you as e-learning, you have to organise the learning process by yourself. You may have some seminars or even lectures that are streamed “live”, but for the majority of your courses, you can decide for yourself when to work through the teaching content. This has advantages but also involves risks.
Time management for your independent exam preparation at home presents very similar challenges.
In this chapter, we would like to introduce you to helpful strategies for planning your week for both learning settings.

Especially when preparing for exams, long-term planning of study time is important. Ideally, you should start the successful planning of your preparation sufficiently in advance of the exam date.
A long phase of exam preparation can best be divided into weekly sections. This helps you to stay on track.
In this chapter, you will first look at how you normally organise your weekly schedule. In the next step, you will think about where you can optimise something.
This will be followed by the precise planning of work phases.

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