🎧 02 - The circulation desk

The circulation desk


Track 2: The Circulation Desk

You are now standing in front of the large, dark-brown desk in the foyer: the circulation desk.

We are here for you during the entire operation hours of the UB; daily, into the evening hours. At the desk you can sign out books, CDs, and other media, which can also be returned here. There are baskets for transporting your learning materials waiting for you here as well. You can keep the borrowed media for four weeks and extend the deadline up to three times. Of course, only when the deadline has not been passed and no one has reserved or pre-marked it. Borrowing of materials is, by the way, free. For this, students need only their chip card. If you don't study at the Justus Liebig University, you can receive a reader’s ID card at the circulation desk.

Whether you use your chip card or your reader’s ID card, just know that you should additionally choose a password for your borrowing account. You need the password for borrowing media at one of our machines on the ground floor, at the stairs, on the right side of the circulation desk. The usage is very simple, the machine will show you how it works, step by step. The password also makes it possible for you to use the online services of your borrowing account. With its help you can comfortably use the Internet to extend your borrowing deadlines and pre-mark borrowed materials. Pre-marking means: you can reserve a borrowed book. Once it is returned, it will remain ready to be picked up at the circulation desk for you for several days.

Perhaps you will eventually need a book that you will have to order from the secondary stacks. The secondary stacks is an off-limits area in which literature is stored in a space-saving manner. We will promptly retrieve the desired material and you will obtain it in short time. At the circulation desk you will also receive what you have ordered from libraries outside of Giessen, namely, your interlibrary loans.

Very important: you should avoid overdue fines! Three Euros are charged for every book that is returned late. You can look up when exactly a book has to be returned in your borrowing account. Our e-mail service reminds you a few days in advance of the upcoming due date, free of charge. For this, we simply need your e-mail address attached to your borrowing account. If you are a student at the Justus Liebig University, your university e-mail address is automatically attached to your account. For this reason you should check your university inbox regularly.

Now, please continue with your library orientation and select track 3 “The Staircase”.

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