
Term papers: structures (1/4)

What to decide first

Before you start writing, you need either a research question or a hypothesis. Formulating a research question or a hypothesis will help you...
  • search for articles with a clear goal in mind
  • define the paragraphs that you need to write, for example...
    • a paragraph explaining your research question
    • a paragraph justifying your hypothesis
    • a paragraph providing an affirmative answer to your research question
    • a paragraph providing a negative answer to your research question
    • etc.
  • prepare for office hours with your supervisor with...
    • clear questions in mind that you need to be answered by your supervisor
    • clear suggestions in mind that you need your supervisor's opinion on
Find an example for a research question below.
In the example, the student wants to assess different multilingual writing strategies to see whether students who use them produce better English texts than when these students use monolingual writing strategies.