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IT Systems (English Version)


Back to the Information Management category

  • 10 Web Based Trainings (15 hours)
  • Basics of Business Informatics
  • Structure and functionality of IT Systems
  • Areas of application for IT Systems in companies
  • The WBT of the series are displayed in a resolution of 1280x900 pixels.
  • If you complete the WBT with a terminal device that has a lower resolution than 1280x900 pixels, you can reduce the display by pressing the Ctrl and (-) keys.


pdf   10.09 MB   Version: 9   14. Mär 2023, 2:38pm   Anzahl Seiten: 123  

"E-Campus Wirtschaftsinformatik"
Prof. Dr. Axel Schwickert (Justus Liebig University Giessen)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ostheimer (University of Applied Sciences Mainz)

Prof. Dr. Axel Schwickert
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Professorship for General Business Administration and Business Informatics
Licher Strasse 70
35394 Giessen

Contact us:
E-mail address: bwl9 (at) wirtschaft.uni-giessen.de

The "E-Campus Wirtschaftsinformatik" is a joint research and transfer project
the professorship for business administration and business informatics of Prof. Dr. Axel Schwickert (JLU Gießen) 
and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ostheimer (University of Applied Sciences Mainz).

Since its creation in 2005, the "E-Campus Wirtschaftsinformatik" has been in use for
Web Based Trainings (WBT) in the regular teaching program of the professorship for
business administration and business informatics of Prof. Dr. Axel Schwickert
at the JLU Gießen and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ostheimer from the University of Mainz.
Access via: www.e-campus-wirtschaftsinformatik.de.

The "E-Campus Wirtschaftsinformatik" is deliberately designed so that its use is open and
is free of charge not only for students, but for all e-learners who are interested in the learning material offered.