
General Information & Quick Links

On this page you will find tips and video tutorials on how to use BigBlueButton (BBB).
Please also visit the page of the HRZ of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen about BigBlueButton. There the HRZ provides an information page and a FAQ about web conferencing in BigBlueButton with helpful hints.
There are three different ways to create virtual meetings in the BigBlueButton conference environment:
  • You can activate the Meeting Plug-in via Stud.IP in the More tab. This will allow you to create meeting rooms in your course.
  • Alternatively, you may gain access to the creation of BigBlueButton meetings via the creation of the ILIAS-Item 'Virtual meeting room'. This option provides you with specifications for your requirements as well.
  • To open a BigBlueButton room independently of a learning platform, you can use Webconf. Here you can create an invitation link for a room that can be sent by email. This direct access is available from the BigBlueButton login page.
We would like to thank the Philipps University of Marburg for providing us with the learning module.
Creating a BigBlueButton room
Presenting in BigBlueButton
Moderation and Interaction
(third party interference)
Collection of BBB videos and further information

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